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SIDE NOTE: We had talked about fixing all the "J" issues, but we found it so funny we left it in... I hope you all enjoy it.
Pambihira.. Thisj "J" on the keyboardj is broken so good luck. Wjjell seehow it goes. Another jjjquirk of the interenet shops here in the Philippines :)
We movejdj thisj week so that wasj fun. We jjjjgot pretty much everything moved out on tuesday. We were busy from 7am- and got mostly settled in around 5pm. It was a good day and we got all organized. I was gonna send pictures of the new place but I forgojt . . I'll just send some next week. . hopefully. It is kinda weird adjuststingj to the new place jbut it's jgood. .It's a little bit bigger than the old one, but more people will fit in it. . I think it's my favorite apartment of my whole mission. The problem with the moving business. . j jjj is I didn't do my laundry for like a week... so thatj jwasj a fun experience this morning. It TOOK SO LONG. jjjBut I'm glad I know how to do my laundry by hand now :)
I also got my x-ray jdone last week. . thatj was weird. jBecause first of all, I had to go into the xray room alone.. and I felt weird that I had no companion. . And it wasj a brother who did the x-ray that made it even more weird. And on top of all of that, i hadj to take off my nametag :( jWhich jjjjjjjwas kind of the sad, surreal, I don't know what kind of experience. Man. . .
This jjjweek was aparently busy for me because I also went to Manila to get some fingerprinting and stuff taken care of for my exit visa. . (huhuhu :'(. . .)
But it wasjfun because I was with my batch. There were so MANY jforeingers there though and I talked to this one guy from Pennsylvania and I jtried to explain about the Restoration jand stuff... man he jjust jjdid not gjet it and it wjas not because of him, but I literally couldn't jjjjjfigure out how to explain it well in English. So that jwjasj one big jstressful ejxperience. Then wej went jand jate ajt this place called army navyj thatjj hasj burritos and hamburgersj and other American food. . JAt that place though, if jyour orderj was ready they would just call your name. . they said "ma'am holmes" JWje all jgot a good laugh.
Other than that, wthe jjwork went really well this week... That family that I talked about last week is really progressing.. they are not married but jwej arej working it out with the ward, and I think it can all mabe, possibly, most likely happen before i go home. :) They are amazing though a nd incredibly prepared for the gospel. It is such a great experience tot each a family because you know that they will stayj together and will always have support. I mean, I have taught families before, but it's not like this family :) The gospel is for families and about families :)
Anyway, I love you alll and hope jyou have a good jweek!! :)
xoxoxo, Sistejrj jjHolmes
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