Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cheesey missionary song and miracles

Oh. My. Heavens. I cannot even describe how awesome this week was. First of all, not that I'm counting or anything, but I have been away from home now for a year! There's this cheesy missionary song that's super accurate that says something like "i've been away from home now going on a year, there's so much that I miss, but so much that I love here." Boom. Memorized. But it's super accurate. There's really a lot that I do miss, but I can't imagine leaving this place either. I love so many people here and there's so much that I love here. Ugh.. It's okay it's still far away. :) 

Yesterday was an awesome Sunday!! We had a lot of investigators come to church, which I will give details later. :) 
We also had this less active family come to church and I was literally so amazed when I saw them come into the chapel. They have had a lot, and I mean  A LOT of problems in their family, and they came to church on Sunday! It was amazing to see that their Spirit touched their hearts and the were able to overcome some things in order to come church. Miracles happen! 

Also, I have a cute story. We asked a girl who is like 12 how she felt when she recieved the Holy Ghost, and we were expecting an answer like "Oh I felt happy" but she told us "Oh man, their hands were so heavy on my head!" We just laughed. 

As for our investigators, we have an investigator that used to a pastor of a branch of Born Again that we have been teaching as well as his granddaughter. We are seeing the changes in him and he is starting to gain a testimony and it's really cool. But his granddaughter is GOLDEN. I'm telling you, she's amazing. She always has way good questions. So her mom passed away a few months ago, when we taught plan of salvation, we started to teach about the Spirit World. She got really quiet and I could just tell she was feeling the Spirit. And we paused for a second and then she asked something like "So does that mean I will see my mom again?" And it felt so good to be able to answer her with a surety that she would and that they could be together forever. This Spirit was so strong.

We have another investigator who has been through so horribly tough things, and I am seeing how the gospel is and will answer all of her questions. That's the way it is for all of us. I know that whatever our questions or concerns are, that Jesus Christ and His gospel is that answer.
  I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father is preparing people who are ready to come and see that for themselves. 

I love you all!!
Sister Holmes

Monday, October 20, 2014


 Sweet Members from Tarlac
 Sweet Members from Tarlac visit
 Sister Holmes being "Artsy"

 Sister Salde and a small Crab
 Testing the waters
 Model Missionaries
Praying Missionaries( they were told not to pose, but to act like they are doing the work ) 

Gift of tongues

It's been another wonderful week! We has an activity earlier and we hiked to some pretty sweet falls. I stubbed my toe on a rock and it was bleeding everywhere so that was awesome, but it was a really fun activity. I miss hiking. . .

We also had a baptism this week! The service was kind of stressful because the branch president went out of town for a wedding and we didn't have anyone to preside!! Eventually someone showed up, but the baptism started a little late :) It turned out really well, we were afraid that no that many people who show up, but we even had a few investigators come to see what it was like and investigators from other branches too.. the youth were really supportive of Brother Jan! :) I'm excited to see what his progress will be. He really was a golden investigator and so ready for the gospel. 

We also had interviews with President this past week! :) I love those kinds of things because it's just a really good spiritually uplifting time. I had... I mean got the opportunity to give a talk about the Book of Mormon answering our questions so that was cool. We also talked at our baptism, and then on Sunday in Sacrament meeting. And maybe I am giving the workshop on Wednesday in our district meeting.... I think Heavenly Father wants to improve my speaking skills haha. 

Speaking of speaking skills, even though I can't get around with Tagalog now, let's talk about how grateful I am for the gift of tongues! I am amazed that in lessons, how if I really need it and even though I have only heard the word once that I can really speak the things that I need to. Sometimes during a lesson, I'm like "Wow, I'm way good at Tagalog." and then I go to the real world again and I'm not that good but I guess it's just the influence of the Spirit. 

Anyway love you all! Sorry for my ugly english! :) :) 
xoxoxo Sister Holmes

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dreams of reflection

Sooo... General Conference was soooo good!. Man, it is exactly what I needed. Those men are so inspried and I have absolutely no doubt they are called of God. It was also really good for our investigators and for our recent converts to see General Conference. If you did not watch it, Watch it right now! :) I remember there was a promise that if we prepare ourselves for conference and come ready with questions and concrens that Heavenly Father will answer us through the speakers. I really felt that as I came prepared, that there were specific things said that directly answered my questions. I have no doubt that the words of Conference are from a very loving Father in Heaven. 

Also....I had an interesting dream this week. I dreamed that I was home from my mission and that I went to visit my stake president to be released. (I promise I am NOT Trunky- Trunkiness never was happiness) I remember him asking me in my dream what my testimony was of the Book of Mormon and of what experiences on my mission helped me to come to know my Savior better. I honestly have no idea what kinds of things happen in a release, but I can imagine that it really is a time of reflection. When I woke up I just sat and pondered. At first I wondered why I had had that dream because I don't feel excited to go home (Sorry mom and dad, no hard feelings haha), I still have so much work to do here. But I think it was something I really needed to experience. I reflected on the things that I am doing while I am here. I thought about if what I am doing is enough, if I am really doing all I can for those that we are teaching, and especially I thought about when I get to that point, if I will proud of all I have accomplished here in the field. It was such a spiritual experience for me to reflect on my efforts here. During conference, I already forgot what talk, but somebody said something like how we need to begin with the end in mind. We need to live in this moment, but look forward to the future with an eye of faith and to always keep in sight what is most important. 

Maybe the records in the Philippines are what we call MAGULO. or a complete mess sometimes. Mostly the older records. Because maybe our investigator that is super GOLDEN was already baptized! What on earth. I was looking through the ward directory and saw her name and was like what the heck! And when we asked her about it she said, 'Oh yeah, I forgot if that was this church or a different church.' But I don't blame her for anything. But no wonder she was so golden ;) haha. Things like that are bound to happen. 
But that's pretty much all from me. Love you guys!!! have a good week!:)

Xoxo Sister Holmes  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Miracles and blessings

So... this week was another week of small miracles. But small miracles are still miracles. We found a lot of new investigators and I'm just amazed at the ways that are provided for us to succeed in this work.

We got to watch the women's general conference thing this week... If you did not watch it, watch it!! It's so good! Those women are truly inspired leaders not just women for the Church, but women all around the world. The spirit of sisterhood I felt was indescribable. 

On another note, we were teaching this 10 year old kid with his family this week and we asked when he prays what the things are that he should pray for. His answer was so cute and innocent, he said something like "We should pray that we don't choke on our food when we eat." But it just helped me realize, we really can pray for ANYTHING. Even if we think it's silly, I know Heavenly Father wants to bless us, but He can't unless we go to Him first. But don't worry, that doesn't mean you will choke on your food if you don't pray for it :) 

I made a list of some of the reasons I'm grateful I served a mission... here's a few: 
1. I've learned how to sit like a lady in a skirt 
2. I'm learning how to laugh at myself! When you are learning a new language, sometimes that is all you can do. 
3. I'm not scared to talk to random strangers. This one has ups and downs..... 
4. I can eat fish now.... and I actually like it! I really never thought I would say that. 
5. I have never felt more love for those around me... I'm learning to love in a way that I didn't and couldn't before. 

There are so many more. It's amazing how much I am learning and the ways I'm growing! But I love you all! Take care!
Sister Holmes